
1) My Life

2) Education Tracker

3) My Task Tracker

4) My Health Tracker

5) Days to go
US Holidays

6) Days to go
UK Holidays

7) Days to go
India Holidays

8) Whiteboard

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My Life is a simple book that can be used by everyone to capture the important details of their life.

All the aspects of our life are covered under the various sections in the book.

The book is divided into the following sections:

1 ) Basic info
2 ) Important events
3 ) Education
4 ) Career
5 ) Extra curricular activities and learning
6 ) Awards and recognition
7 ) Health issues
8 ) Medicines taken
9 ) Loan details
10 ) Help received and given
11 ) Places lived
12 ) Places visited
13 ) Custom trackers
14 ) Calendars
15 ) Notes

Basic Info

The first section is Basic info where users can fill their name, date of birth, blood group, address, phone number, email id, driving license numbers, passport numbers, parents and siblings blood groups, spouse and children blood groups etc.

Important Events

The second section is important events where users can note down events like child births, marriages, new jobs, promotions, college admissions, awards received, new house buying, vacations, foreign visits, charity, good deeds, lessons learnt in life etc.







The third section is education where users can note down the date and details of their school and academic life. There is a section for awards and recognition where users can note down the details of awards they have received. For kids, this section can be filled by their parents and for teens and adults, then can fill it themselves.


The fourth section is career where users can note down the start date of their job, name of the company and the role they are hired for. Optionally, they can also enter their salary details. Users can also note down appraisal details and promotion details.

Extra curricular activities and learning

In this section, users can note down the details of their extra curricular activities like college debates, sports competitions, music contests, music lessons, dance lessons, learning instruments, summer camps, painting and drawing lessons, computer courses etc.






Awards and recognition

In this section, users can note down the prizes, awards and recognition they win in sports competitions, college contests, quizzes, dance events etc.

Health issues

There are separate sections for noting down the health issues faced and their dates, the treatments undertaken for the same, doctor visits and medicines taken to resolve the issue etc. This will help users to consolidate all the health information in one place!


This section has yearly calendars (without any week days mentioned) and box calendars. This will enable the users to use the calendars for any year. They can mention the year name and calendar name at the top and start using the calendars. Fill the calendar index with the calendar names for easy navigation.

The yearly calendars can be used to note down important events in life, health issues, problems faced in life etc. The box calendars can be used to note and ount the number of times an activity was done or an event occurred. Example are leaves taken at office, women’s period tracking, symptom tracking for health issues, drinking and smoking habits tracking, fasting or diet tracking etc.

This book can capture 5 to 10 years data of a person’s life. After ten years, we can get a new book and continue the notes. This book can help us to record all the important information of our life in one place and thus access the information whenever we need and enable us to understand and manage our life better! This book will be useful for everyone to manage their life!






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All the online tools hosted in the website are accessed through an unique url generated for each user.
No authentication takes place before accessing the tools. So, users are requested to not share their url with anyone.
Please do not access the tools from shared computers or devices.

Users are requested to not store any confidential or sensitive information on the online tools.

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