Exercise Session 1

Chest stretch

Session 1

Exercise Session 1

Exercise Session 2

Feet stretch

Session 2

Exercise Session 2

Exercise Session 3

Palm stretch

Session 3

Exercise Session 3

Exercise Session 4

Rotate head

Session 4

Exercise Session 4

Exercise Session 5

Eye exercise

Session 5

Exercise Session 5

Exercise Session 6

Raise hands above head a few times

Session 6

Exercise Session 6

Exercise Session 7

Bend front and rise a few times

Session 7

Exercise Session 7
Round Complete

Each Round has seven sessions and you can complete one or more sessions each day.

And after completing all the sessions, the round will start again!

The sessions have a few simple activities and physical exercises!

For the eye exercise, users can rotate their eyes for a few seconds and then move the eyes from side to side!

The details of the exercises and activities in the sessions are as follows:

1 ) Chest stretch
2 ) Feet stretch
3 ) Palm stretch
4 ) Rotate head
5 ) Eye exercise
6 ) Raise hands above head a few times
7 ) Bend front and rise a few times

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