My Whiteboard online

Set up your activity tracker

Enter a name for the tracker:
( Ex: Office Leaves, Health etc. )

Enter 38841 below

Example 1 - Diet tracker

Example 2 - Health tracker

Example 3 - Office leaves tracker

The activity tracker can count the number of times an activity or a task was done in a month and a year.

Keep track of your activities and tasks.

Track your
1 ) Diet and fasting activities
2 ) Health incidents and doctor visits
3 ) Office leaves
4 ) Computer back ups
5 ) Shopping
6 ) House cleaning tasks and more!

An unique url will be generated to access your activity tracker. Please save the url to access the tracker.

Do not share the url with anyone, since anyone with the url can access the tracker. You can also send a copy of the url to your email!


For any queries you can write to us at

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