
Good deeds

1) Feed homeless animals

2) Use nature friendly products

3) Donate blood

4) Help a person in need financially

5) Practice vegetarianism for a few days

6) Help a person who is ill

7) Switch off fan for sometime

8) Recycle wastes

9) Save electricity

10) Spend time on a social cause / charity

11) Spend time with old people

12) No TV, Computer or phone for one full day. Read books.

13) Grow an indoor plant

14) Talk less and listen more

15) Listen patiently when someone is talking

16) Practice farming in terrace

17) Sacrifice something you like for a few days

18) Save water

19) Return money borrowed on time

20) Remember the people who helped you in your life

21) Take public transport

22) Read a religious book

23) Watch a religious Movie

24) Keep your word

25) Do not criticize

26) Say a prayer before eating

27) Make use of opportunities to return favours received

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